How do Companies Use the Digital Marketing in Egypt?


eMarketing EgyptBlogHow do Companies Use the Digital Marketing in Egypt?

The 5 Must-Know Mega Questions about How Companies Use the Digital Marketing in Egypt …

No one can be questioning now if companies use the digital marketing or no, the question had become how do they use it? Thus, eMarketing Egypt latest report: Digital Marketing Insights 2018; had included a survey of more than 425 companies in Egypt to investigate their practices and benchmarks when using the digital marketing.

Digital Marketing in Egypt; 2018 Edition

In fact; the report includes dozens of findings and insights but all of them can be grouped in five mega questions:

  1. Do companies in Egypt benefit from digital marketing in meeting their key marketing priorities?

As a starting point; we reviewed the top marketing priorities for the surveyed companies. The results showed that 92% of companies consider “Acquiring New Customers” as their most important priority, followed by 80% mentioning “Retaining Current Customers”. However, when it comes to digital marketing strategic role; the ranking shows different story where the majority mentioned digital marketing to be “very useful” for “Acquiring New Customers”, but it was limited as mentioned only by 53% of companies.

  1. How do companies in Egypt organize their digital marketing operations?

Companies may choose to run all digital marketing activities in-house, or to outsource it, or to combine both in-house and outsourcing operations. The findings showed that about 72% of the surveyed companies are running digital marketing operations in-house, vs. 9% are outsourcing digital marketing operations. This high tendency to run in-house digital marketing operations becomes more striking finding with the notation that only 14% of companies have a dedicated digital marketing team with more than 5 employees.

  1. What are the most used digital marketing channels and for what objectives?

Social media; unsurprisingly, topped the channels used as mentioned by 97% of the surveyed companies. It is mainly used for brand awareness objectives as mentioned by 36% of them, while 20% of them use it for lead generation objectives, the remaining 44% use is to help both objectives (i.e. brand awareness and lead generation).

  1. How do companies in Egypt budget for their digital marketing activities?

About 50% of the surveyed companies allocate 50% or more of their marketing budgets to digital; note that digital marketing budget is a wider measure than the digital advertising expenses; it encompasses all items that relate to salaries, design, web … etc. One of the most questionable areas also when budgeting for digital marketing is the reliance on the sponsored campaigns, where it was found that 84% of the surveyed companies allocate budgets to sponsored campaigns among their digital marketing activities; moreover 33% of them rely mainly on the sponsored campaigns (more than 80% of their digital marketing activities are sponsored).

  1. How effective were the digital marketing channels for meeting the pursued objectives?

With view to the pursued objectives (i.e. lead generation vs. brand awareness); only 31% of companies had mentioned the social media management as “very effective” for brand awareness and 54% of them had mentioned the Search Engine Marketing as “very effective” for lead generation.


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